What if you could harness the simple primal power of breath to optimise your health, your energy & your mood?

The Breath Shed

The Breath Shed provides you an opportunity to re-learn the language of your breath through an exploration of breath techniques tailored to your goals, helping you to breathe a better breath.The Breath Shed is like a gym for breathwork. We run programs and classes to help you master the power of breath. Whether it be for relaxation, improved sports performance, emotional regulation or just getting more out of life.Classes running in The Breath Shed are open to everyone. Weekly drop in or semester booking options available. Online programs are also available so you can practice your breathing techniques and meditations from the comfort of your own home. I like to think of coming to the Breath Shed is like coming home. A space to come home to yourself and connect with your tribe.
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Imagine the power

Just like the quality and QUANTITY of the foods you eat affects your health, the same thing can be said for your breath.
Because breathing is an involuntary and happens over 20,000 times per day, it is often taken for granted. However, every moment, your breath provides nourishment to your cells.  Every moment your breath is transported to your blood and pumped through approximately 100,000 kilometres of veins and arteries, delivered and released to the cells giving you life and vitality.The way you breath influences your emotions, your sleep, your energy, your mood, your recovery & your sports performance. 

Without breath, there is no life.  

Every cell of the human body is influenced, by HOW you breathe.

We know that the QUALITY of the air we breath is important.  

But how about the QUANTITY or air? 

Too much?  Too little?  Too fast?

The breath is the master switch to unlocking the vitality from your cells. The breath is the life force.  Optimising the way we harness this lifeforce can not only help to heal our body, but can help to improve our focus, reduce anxiety & enhance our athletic ability. 

What are the signs of inefficient breathing?


The breath is the master switch to unlocking the vitality from your cells.

Through a simple breathing assessment, I will work beside you, to help restore this vital energy, simply and naturally. I work with clients individually and in groups, through workshops and retreats to skyrocket performance and improve health outcomes.

Book an assessment session with me >

What are the benefits of breathwork?

Some of the benefits of breathwork include:

Join the online program from the comfort of your home >

Breathing techniques can be used to: 

The wonderful thing about breath, is because it influences your whole being, there is no ‘one way’ to breath.  There are no barriers to breathwork. All you need to do, is to tap in and begin to re-learn the language of your breath.

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Breathing for Sports Performance

Unleash your potential and find your edge


The way that you breath influences every cell within your body.

Oxygen delivery to the muscles is crucial to performance.  It determines your speed, your endurance and your strength.  It determines your ability to make decisions on the playing field at that essential game winning moment.

What if there was a way that you could harness the simple power of your breath to supercharge your ability?  An innate super power for you to harness to get faster & stronger?

You have it already.  Your breath.  

Utilising research-based breath techniques, athletes have been shown to:

Join the online program >

Meet your breath coach

Hi! I'm Bek Nutter

I have been running Nutter by Nature for many years in Newcastle, helping people with their naturopathic and nutrition needs. I am a qualified Naturopath, clinical nutritionist, breath coach, herbalist and personal trainer. I am a qualified Oxygen Advantage instructor and Master Breathless instructor. I work as a breath coach on the performance team of representative football and athletic clubs and I feel blessed to be supporting a range of national Olympic level athletes through performance focused breathwork coaching.

I have a strong passion for educating and empowering my clients toward their own health goals. My philosophy is based on the belief that the human body is incredibly intelligent and has an inherent healing ability.

I believe that responsibility for health and healing lies within each individual, however, it is my role to help create an environment to allow healing to occur.

The Breath Shed is an extension of this philosophy and with this space I am creating Newcastle's first dedicated breathwork classes to empower you to take control of your body, and by extension, your mind.

When I'm not in the Breath Shed, or in clinic at Nutter by Nature, I like to go running in the bush, lift weights at the gym, swimming in cold and wild water or cooking for my family. 

Read more about me >

The Breath Shed

Newcastle's first dedicated breathing space


Come find us in person at:

18 Medcalf St, Warners Bay, NSW, 2282

Classes, group workshops, retreats and individual sessions can be booked via www.nutterbynature.com.au

Breath a better breath with us.